
Showing posts from 2017

2018: The Year God is Asking "Will you move with Me?"

In 2017 God said all year long "watch me move" and now heading into 2018 He is saying "you have watched me move all year long NOW it is time to move with me." #LET'S GO! We can't be a people pleaser (even to ourselves) and be obedient to the difficult things God asks/requires of us. I can't think of one biblical example of obedience stepping and faith building that did not come at a hefty but rewarding price to those involved. There will always be someone unhappy with your obedience, ALWAYS! You just have to be sure the direction your heading in is the direction God is leading you then be sure to step with Him in the moment. We can't move ahead (something we've all done) and we can't linger behind (something we've all done.) I think because we've heard about Abraham's faith journey so much we have become numb to the actual level of requirement God placed on Abraham and the level of difficulty and stretching it took from ...

Does Love Really Never Fail?

We read in 1st Corinthians 13:8 that “love never fails” yet we see relationships fail, sever, and become distant all around us. We thought  there was love in the relationship? T he scripture says "love never fails"? So, what happened? The true love of Jesus Christ himself was not functioning in the relationship or it would not have failed. The law of love that Jesus himself showed was that He was willing to go to the cross and die on our behalf—while we were yet sinners as Romans 5:8 tells us this truth that He loved us in our flaws--this, this is true love. This was one of my favorite scriptures when I first started walking in the things of the Lord. To grasp that while we weren't even thinking of the Lord he was thinking of us to the point of death so we could have freedom to ascend to the throne of God in purity of fellowship to the place of restoration as Adam and Eve in fellowship directly with God, walking in the cool of the morning with nothing hidden, no shame, no...

Nothing is Without Purpose

Nothing God asks of us is without purpose. No matter the path, no matter the sacrifice, no matter the risks involved to us personally a heart that responds with "NEVERTHELESS" is the heart God is looking for. Proverbs 19:21 tells us that many are the plans in a man's heart but nevertheless it is the counsel of the Lord that stands, the purposes of the Lord that will stand. I want to encourage you this morning to remain yielded to the purposes God is calling you to, remain yielded with a resounding "nevertheless" coming from your heart and your mind and your actions. "Nevertheless" yields a blessing, "nevertheless" yields a harvest for the Kingdom of God, there are souls waiting on your "nevertheless." I was quickened in prayer this morning to when the young girl Mary was being told by the angel Gabriel that there was a great purpose God was calling her to and requiring of her. She didn't understand how anything Gabriel w...

Faith, Favor and Territory

We are in a FAITH, FAVOR and TERRITORY taking moment! God has been saying all year to watch Him move, now in these last three months of the year we respond with "WE ARE MOVING WITH YOU" Jabez cried out to God in 1 Chronicles 4:10...we cry out right now with passion, with desperation, with hunger, we cry, we don't just ask BUT we cry out for the blessings of God, we cry out for new territory and even a taking back of territory, we ask God's hand of favor to be with us as we step and move in the new territory, as we advance we thank God for keeping all negative words and even harmful mindsets of our own that would hinder us from advancement and we thank God that He is granting our request, He is agreeing to and carrying out what we are petitioning His very throne for---it is done, it is granted. Invite God in to bless you, rely on Him as your sole source. He is the one who will bless you indeed! Choose to rely on Him for the territory you're stepping into. He...

Our Hearts Matter to God

God is inviting us to trust Him with our desires and to align our hearts with His heart for the fulfillment of all He desires us to walk in. Allow Him to AWAKEN you to a deeper level  Allow Him to RESTORE you Desires in our heart are not there to torment us but to cause us to hunger for more of God Desires in our heart are there to cause us to pursue God at a greater level Allow Him to FULFILL that place in your heart that was intended for only Him. When we give God the place intended for Him we release others from undue pressure we have placed on them to fill God's spot When we give God the place intended for Him that, in turn, brings more pleasure and enjoyment in all our other relationships Don't shut down your heart toward God when you've been hurt by someone or disappointed by circumstances but INSTEAD turn it toward God, let Him heal your heart and watch the abundant fruit flow in your life from that place of healing.

Is Jesus a Peacekeeper?

Jesus is not a Peacekeeper but yet the bible calls Him the "Prince of Peace". Truthfully, He was offensively bold, just ask the Pharisees and Sadducees. He confronted things. He addressed wrong mindsets AND wrong actions. He also called out the judgmental people who were quick to point fingers at others and refusing to look at themselves. Jesus looked for and desired repentance and holiness from His followers. He went straight for the heart. Jesus never told anyone things that were out of line were "ok." Jesus himself said in Matthew 10:34-36 "Do no suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Jesus is saying here that He did not come to bring peace but division, if you read further on in Matthew 10 what He was saying is His truth will cause people to "dis-align" with one another. In other words, when we begin to walk in and talk in the truth of Jesus it invites conflict into our closest rel...

Racism in Charlottesville, VA

In light of this weekend's events I wanted to post about all the happenings in Charlottesville, VA. I believe in no way does the "rally" hosted by this group represent your average American white person. Most people (of all different ethnic backgrounds)  I know don't even see color in a person and that's how it should be. I am grieved that we have this mindset is even in existence in America STILL today. I am grieved that anyone lost their lives in protest of this events. I know as  Christian brothers and sisters God created us different BUT also equal. I know as Christians it is imperative for us to ban together in this season more than ever instead of allowing the enemy to pull us apart based on cultural differences. My weaknesses are supposed to be covered by your strengths and your weaknesses are supposed to be covered by my strengths. When we can truly see this and embrace this we are better equipped for the harvest before us and the labor that will be ...


The Lord is desiring to remind us today that He can do it, He will do it and He is actually now doing it. When we are unable to make something happen, when we are unable to produce something, when we are unable to "fix" something or cause something to be birthed is when we are the most vulnerable and at the same time the most open for God to move in our lives. Ephesians 3:20 tells us "NOW glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do FAR more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of -- infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes." (emphasis added is mine) How exciting when we break that down and at the same time take Ephesians 3:20 at face value. God can do what we need Him to do, He is willing to do what we need Him to do and He is MORE THAN ABLE to do what we need Him to do. This is where we must place our trust and hope! That God is able to do FAR MORE abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, pray f...

Open my Ears to Hear the Call of the Season

The Lord highlighted Isaiah 55 to me this morning. As I went to look it up and begin reading it I quickly remembered it is a revelatory word directly from God that Isaiah spoke out. This morning I am going to pray it for myself and encourage you to do the same. As you pray truly believe in your heart that God desires to do more for you than you can wrap your mind around and then receive all He has in the waiting for you. I was reminded this morning of my granddaughter, her favorite word right now is "no." Even when she wants something, it's "no." She doesn't realize she's rejecting the very thing she wants. I will bring her into the pantry for a snack and every single thing I point out she says "no" even though she pointed to the pantry like "I'm hungry." BUT I KNOW BETTER. We do this sometimes with God, we desire something, we even ask  in the direction of what it is we desire but then when God stands there ready to give us tha...


For some reason God has highlighted different months to me in different years. Back in 2012 God spoke to me in January that the month of May would be significant and that was the only detail He released until May was upon us and the month was most definitely significant. I have seen God be faithful over and over again as He has breathed a word on a particular month and He is doing that with June. God is desiring to move in a might way but the truth is He needs our cooperation. This is really one of the main points of prophetic words going forth so that the people who have ears to hear can begin to prepare for what is ahead of them and pull on the promise of the prophetic to get them through difficult moments reminding themselves of the promises of God to get them through. I know God is faithful, I know He is reliable to perform His word, almost obligated to do so. I will hold on to those promises I know are from the throne of God whether spoken directly to me by God or through a yi...

"TO LIVE IS CHRIST?" I say "Yes, Lord, yes!"

Christ doesn't take over our life, He empowers it and all we do and say points toward Him, reflects His love and displays His power! Every move Paul made was in response to his desire to reveal Jesus as the resurrected Son of God.  Philippians 1:21 says, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” We are the example of Heaven on earth, we are the living epistles  “To live is Christ” means that we are willing to give up anything that prevents us from being empowered and sent to lost nations by Jesus Christ.  Will we consider everything a loss that we deemed of high importance for the sake of a lost soul? This IS to live as Christ, this IS how Paul lead as an example to us!  “To live is Christ” should cause us to ask ourselves as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ "what does my life say?" "Does my life cause others to desire what I have?" Is Jesus the center that all else in my life circles around and extends from?"  ...

What is Beauty?

Asking someone "what is beauty?" seems like an easily answerable question. Most people probably go to the physical characteristics they find attractive, others may take about a person's personality, they're character traits, etc... What do we think is beauty within ourselves? When  you really have to answer that question for yourself you may be surprised at the process and what you thought you thought beauty was. I want to warn you before you continue reading that I am going to be real, raw and transparent in this blog, so, continue on at your own risk :)  My journey in defining my own beauty and my own perspective on beauty started a little more than two years ago. First, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and like anyone else, they are words you never think you'll hear and then they become scary words. Many thoughts race through your mind...what's next, what will I have to endure, how bad will it really be, etc...But nothing can prepare ...

About That Draft, Though

I love this picture! Tom Brady shared this on Instagram. Never forget he was picked in the 6th round. People are talking about who was picked in the first round, who wasn't picked in the first round like that is going to make or break the player in their career. All the analyzing, all the statistics, all the assumptions can never override someone's heart. Tom Brady was selected with pick #199 overall. How many people that had overlooked him look back now and can't believe what they missed. The real question is has it changed how they see new prospects? As for us, people will overlook us, we're not what they're looking for, we don't fit their "requirements" but it doesn't matter when we get picked, what matters is that we are ready when our name is called up by God Himself. Other people may not see the potential in you but God will cause the right one in the right moment to see exactly what you carry. There will be one that says "I see it...

Obtain Your Position

Jesus promised us the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. He has placed everything we need to obtain and remain in our victory, it is all already in our hands. Allowing the process of forgiveness to purge through our hearts and release healing to every wounded area is the starting point to obtaining the very victory Christ died for us to have. We cannot go deeper in our intimacy with the Lord and harbor unforgiveness in our hearts toward others at the same time. You may right now be thinking one of two things... They don't deserve forgiveness you don't know what they did, or; They haven't even asked for forgiveness, they're not even sorry. I understand both of those mindsets and struggled with them both personally. I know it's tough to forgive a deep wound, something that altered and shifted your heart completely and then have the perpetrator of that very wound not even care about the damage done.  BUT It's a necessity for us to go forth in com...

Unity Come Forth

John 13:35 "BY THIS everyone will know you are my disciples, IF you love one another." Pretty straight forward, we must love one another, we cannot pick and choose, we MUST be unified if we call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ and we do not have true love for one another then we are liars.(1 John 4:20) This is truth, it is truth that sets us free. Disunity has to go Discord has to go Stirring up strife has to go Allowing criticism of one another has to go Judging one another has to go Gossiping has to go Division among the body has to go Our love walk with one another is a revelation of our love walk with God. We can't love one and hate another based on any reasons. WE CAN'T--THERE IS NO SCRIPTURE THAT JUSTIFIES THIS. A few things Jesus found so important he mentioned them shortly before departing this earth. Mark 12:29-31 "Jesus answered, "the first and principle one of all commands is " Hear O' Israel, The Lord ...

Christ Died for our Unity

What a powerful thought! Christ died for us to be united as one regardless of differences, coming together as one for the purposes of empowerment in the Kingdom of God. When we choose to allow division and strife to remain in our hearts and in our actions and aggression toward one another we are minimizing the works of the cross and all Jesus endured for both our freedom and our unity. I've been meditating on the book of Ephesians and it is all about Unity. Being one with Christ, being one with one another, being one in marriage, being one in prayer and all to overcome the wiles of the devil and birth forth God's purposes in the earth. Few pointers from Ephesians but I encourage you to read the whole book, it's not too long only six chapters. Jews and Gentiles were separate and saw each other separately and very much different from one another. There was a dividing wall of hostility between the two, between the circumcised and uncircumcised. God brought unity to a...

What is Your Bowl of Soup

I was on a prayer line this morning and while someone else was praying that we not give up our birthright I heard the Lord say "What is your bowl of soup? Everybody has a bowl of soup." We need to know and recognize what our bowl of soup might be so we can overcome it and not let the sweet fragrance of what we desire grow and get stronger to the level of overtaking our focus and our positioning. It's the sweetest trick out there that the enemy has. He convinces us in our minds we can't survive without the soup we desire, we will surely die if we don't have what we want in that moment and everything else becomes insignificant to us in that moment. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about in case you are unfamiliar with Esau and his bowl of soup. In Genesis 25:29-33 Esau can't see anything other than his momentary situation... Now Jacob cooked a stew; and Esau came in from the field, and he was weary. 30  And Esau said to Jacob, “Please fe...


Whenever a scripture verse starts out with "therefore" we have to read back a little and see why it is saying "because of, for that reason, since..." Hebrews 12:1-2 starts  off  "THEREFORE THEN..." I really like The Message translation: "Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus , who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there , in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your s...

Heart to Heart

The condition of our hearts matter most to God. We try to mask our hearts, our hurts, our disappointments, our shame, our struggles, we try to cover these things to others by putting a smile on our face while our hearts are cracking open from dryness from one end to the other. Like a dry and barren desert yet we carry on like all is well. We most certainly cannot fool God and if people are walking in the knowledge that the wellsprings of our lives flow from the conditions of our heart and people look past the smile they will see the pain, they will see a veil is being held up (usually in self-protection mode.) God desires to wash away all in our hearts that was never intended to be there. Let Him come in and flush out all the debris that still remains in your heart. We are never "beyond" a heart flushing. Even yesterday some new debris could have settled in, a word spoken, a word not spoken, an oversight by someone dear to us, an expectation unmet that left disappointment. ...

Are we talking to pigs?

I was spending time with God this morning and I heard "do not cast your pearls before the swine." I'm pretty familiar with the scripture and it surprised me a little so I decided to study a little deeper into that verse to see exactly what God was saying. This scripture is in Matthew 7 and I believe to get the full meaning of what is being said in scripture we need to read around it. What was going on, what else was being said, what place did it come from. This is all part of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus just finished telling the people (and I'm paraphrasing) don't judge others, don't be a hypocrite, don't criticize because in the same way you exam others you'll be examined! Jesus is also saying don't go after the speck in your brother or sister's eye when there's a plank in your own. Pretty direct and intense and truthfully I think we forget that a lot and we critique everyone that doesn't completely line up with us but that'...