Does Love Really Never Fail?

We read in 1st Corinthians 13:8 that “love never fails” yet we see relationships fail, sever, and become distant all around us. We thought there was love in the relationship? The scripture says "love never fails"? So, what happened? The true love of Jesus Christ himself was not functioning in the relationship or it would not have failed. The law of love that Jesus himself showed was that He was willing to go to the cross and die on our behalf—while we were yet sinners as Romans 5:8 tells us this truth that He loved us in our flaws--this, this is true love. This was one of my favorite scriptures when I first started walking in the things of the Lord. To grasp that while we weren't even thinking of the Lord he was thinking of us to the point of death so we could have freedom to ascend to the throne of God in purity of fellowship to the place of restoration as Adam and Eve in fellowship directly with God, walking in the cool of the morning with nothing hidden, no shame, nothing withheld. This is true love. 

I posted on Facebook several days ago about when someone loves you regardless of your flaws. My husband and I were talking about how no one is perfect, how it is so easy to see someone else's faults and look over OR justify our own but demand change of the other person. This is not the love of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ trusts that true unconditional love will bring the change needed in the heart of a person and loves it right out of them, this is how love never fails.

When you find someone that decides your worth your flaws (as Jesus did ALL of us) then that's a valued relationship. The one that says I'm going to stick in here and love you through or even love your regardless. Everyone, and REALLY GRAB THIS POINT PLEASE, everyone is worth, loved and accepted for their good points, their fun traits, their valued gifts and talents BUT the ones that say you're worth your flaws, I love you regardless of the things that bug me...this is the love of Jesus Christ functioning and this is the relationship that will prevail and not fail. 

When we are dedicated in our relationships to fully revealing the love of Jesus Christ it is against this kind of LOVE that failure cannot take advantage of. When there is true love there is no harm to the other person, when there is true love then peoples' lives are transformed into both beauty and holiness.

I'll close with this "Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]. But as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, the will cease; as for the gift of special knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part [for our knowledge is fragmentary and incomplete]. But when that which is complete and perfect comes, that which is incomplete and partial will pass away." 1 Corinthians 13:8-10

Love can never fail, love sees flaws and continues to love, love doesn't know everything but trusts instead, love isn't in it for the gifts and talents because they will fade, love remains until "that day". 


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