What is Your Bowl of Soup

I was on a prayer line this morning and while someone else was praying that we not give up our birthright I heard the Lord say "What is your bowl of soup? Everybody has a bowl of soup."

We need to know and recognize what our bowl of soup might be so we can overcome it and not let the sweet fragrance of what we desire grow and get stronger to the level of overtaking our focus and our positioning.

It's the sweetest trick out there that the enemy has. He convinces us in our minds we can't survive without the soup we desire, we will surely die if we don't have what we want in that moment and everything else becomes insignificant to us in that moment.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about in case you are unfamiliar with Esau and his bowl of soup. In Genesis 25:29-33 Esau can't see anything other than his momentary situation...

Now Jacob cooked a stew; and Esau came in from the field, and he was weary. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, “Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary.” Therefore his name was called Edom. 31 But Jacob said, “Sell me your birthright as of this day.” 32 And Esau said, “Look, I am about to die; so what is this birthright to me?” 33 Then Jacob said, “Swear to me as of this day.” So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. 34 And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of  lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.

The moment it was over and Esau had consumed the soup he despised the very thing he had to give away for it. Esau gave up everything for what he saw as his momentary need. He wasn't going to really die he just felt like it. Jacob saw an opportunity of weakness and took advantage of it.

The devil is continually looking for an opportunity of momentary weakness to rob us of our birthrights. Esau couldn't see beyond his current struggle, make sure you know your light affliction is only momentary, remind yourself if you have to, this is going to pass, I will get through it and I will not give up my birthright,  I will not give up my destiny for anything of my flesh that is crying out.

We need to keep fighting. I know it's hard but we need to look beyond where we are right now, IF we do not look beyond where we are we will never GET beyond where we are. We cannot be impulsive only living in the now, only able to see the things in our line of vision, we need to crank our head around the obstacles trying to obscure our birthright, trying to make them seem unreachable.


Anything you put ahead of the promises God holds for you, anything you take momentary pleasure in that is not in line with God's will, any mindset you remain in that is not lined up with the mind of Christ,  any offense you treasure in your heart (you hold onto and won't let go), any sin you give in to, anything contrary to God's word in our lives, anytime we choose to worry instead of trusting God, anytime we decide to "make" something happen instead of waiting on God to move...all these are bowls of soup!

We have the same struggle as Esau, we wanted to be satisfied immediately and all too often that costs us much more than we realized in the moment.

You have to ask yourself "what is my bowl of soup?"
  • Jealousy?
  • Selfish Ambition?
  • Sexual Sin?
  • Hatred?
  • Unforgiveness?
  • Adultery (even in the heart?)
  • Drunkenness?
  • Impatience?
  • Worry/Anxiety?
Esau would not have died that day if he did not have that soup. He should have gone hungry and kept his birthright. He knew that the moment he finished his soup but it was too late!

For us, let's remember what 2 Corinthians 4 tells us, our afflictions, our trials, our frustrations, our hardships, our heartache, it's working a FAR GREATER glory in each of us.

We are overcomers, Jesus overcame and has given us the same power and ability to overcome ALL.

Toss out that bowl of soup once and for all and wait upon the Lord in your hunger, let Him fulfill your every desire and as a result step into the fullness of your birthright, into the fullness of what you were created for and what God has destined for you!


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