Is Jesus a Peacekeeper?

Jesus is not a Peacekeeper but yet the bible calls Him the "Prince of Peace". Truthfully, He was offensively bold, just ask the Pharisees and Sadducees. He confronted things. He addressed wrong mindsets AND wrong actions. He also called out the judgmental people who were quick to point fingers at others and refusing to look at themselves. Jesus looked for and desired repentance and holiness from His followers. He went straight for the heart. Jesus never told anyone things that were out of line were "ok."

Jesus himself said in Matthew 10:34-36 "Do no suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Jesus is saying here that He did not come to bring peace but division, if you read further on in Matthew 10 what He was saying is His truth will cause people to "dis-align" with one another. In other words, when we begin to walk in and talk in the truth of Jesus it invites conflict into our closest relationships. But you may be saying "I thought God was love, I thought Jesus said to love God and love others" and He is and He did. BUT loving people is controversial because true love desires true freedom and true peace and WON'T settle for less.

Jesus was not one to avoid conflict if He saw something that conflicted with truth because He knew that "truth" is the only thing that will truly set us free and truth is the only thing that will bring us all real peace. Do you want that peace the bible talks about that passes all understanding? It's found through confrontation and truth. Jesus was both passionate and desperate for people to have true revelation of who God is and what God desires from us and for us.

The word of God and the truths it carry are not popular and when you take a stand biblically people, people you love will be offended and point the finger at you as the "troublemaker" and they will even ask you to keep your mouth closed to "keep the peace". The question for you will be "what will you do in that moment?" Will you keep a temporary peace or be the deliverer of real peace through freedom in the truth of God's Word.

Will we all rise up with a holy boldness that God's word is the final word and even if we are standing alone (regardless of how much that may hurt) we must be deliverers of God's truths to our loved ones and anyone we influence. When did "unholiness" become such commonplace? When the "truthcarriers" decided to "keep the peace" instead of delivering true peace through truth!

Jesus is the "Prince of Peace" yes and He even said "peace I leave with you" but let's be sure we understand the peace that is being referred to here. It is the peace we walk in from revelation of truth not from consolation that everything we do is ok.

People don't like to be called out these days when they are in the wrong place in their hearts and their actions. Everybody wants everybody to accept everybody and everything and NOT EVERYTHING IS ACCEPTABLE AND THAT'S THE TRUTH OF IT.

There is right and there is wrong. Jesus turned tables, drew lines in sand, talked with a woman with five husbands, and ultimately hung on the cross because He did not want even one to perish outside of the Kingdom of God for all eternity.


When we are unwilling to confront wrong thoughts and actions because we don't want to offend someone, we don't want to hurt somebone's feelings then we are INSTEAD while "keeping the peace" allowing them to possibly perish for all eternity! #SELAH

WE MUST BE TRUTHCARRIERS REGARDLESS OF THE COST. Jesus said further down in Matthew 10:37 and I'm paraphrasing it but basically if you aren't willing to walk with me to the level that it could cost you every relationship you have then don't bother. That's pretty intense but then again it's truth...


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