Obtain Your Position
Jesus promised us the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. He has placed everything we need to obtain and remain in our victory, it is all already in our hands.
Allowing the process of forgiveness to purge through our hearts and release healing to every wounded area is the starting point to obtaining the very victory Christ died for us to have.
We cannot go deeper in our intimacy with the Lord and harbor unforgiveness in our hearts toward others at the same time.
You may right now be thinking one of two things...
Allowing the process of forgiveness to purge through our hearts and release healing to every wounded area is the starting point to obtaining the very victory Christ died for us to have.
We cannot go deeper in our intimacy with the Lord and harbor unforgiveness in our hearts toward others at the same time.
You may right now be thinking one of two things...
- They don't deserve forgiveness you don't know what they did, or;
- They haven't even asked for forgiveness, they're not even sorry.
I understand both of those mindsets and struggled with them both personally. I know it's tough to forgive a deep wound, something that altered and shifted your heart completely and then have the perpetrator of that very wound not even care about the damage done.
It's a necessity for us to go forth in complete freedom. Not only is it a command that Jesus himself spoke out when answering the disciples' question on how to pray saying one of the keys to prayer is forgiving others as we have been forgiven but forgiveness releases us in every area of our lives.
Matthew 6:14 Jesus said "For IF you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
I know we don't like that "IF" but, nevertheless, it is there and cannot be ignored or overlooked.
We can't even pick and choose who and what we are willing to forgive but must simply forgive.
Let's never forget and truly seek the depth of the moment when Jesus said on the cross "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." In the very middle of his agony he is seeking forgiveness for them! That is so very powerful...can we do that, have we done that?
This is unmatched love and forgiveness and it is the ultimate example that we must forgive everything and everyone and as we do God is released to move not only in our lives but also in the life of the very ones we seek to forgive.
How do we forgive? We know we're supposed to, how? When the hurt runs deep, how? When they don't care, how? When we can't go to them face to face, how?
Forgiveness is surrender, surrender the hurt, surrender the shame it caused you, surrender the disappointment, surrender your rights...it's all about surrendering self. When we won't forgive we are elevating ourselves and our importance but the word says in order for Christ to increase in our lives we must decrease and forgiveness is vital to that process.
Job 11:13 tells us "Surrender your heart to God, turn to him in prayer,"
Luke 9:23 "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself..."
Luke 9:23 "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself..."
Mark 10:28 "See, we have left all and followed you."
True surrender goes beyond our natural mindset and requires totality of our being yielded over to the will and purposes of God. We will our will to His will and ask daily for His help in the process.
I want to encourage you today to not stop short of total surrender to God by holding on to an area or a person you haven't forgiven. Let it completely go and watch yourself go to levels of intimacy you never knew existed in Him.
He's beckoning you today to completely surrender every area of your life, no wounds tucked away, no crevices of your heart unflushed with His healing love. When you choose to release unforgiveness you step into what you were created for...pure unadultered naked fellowship in the cool of the garden with Daddy God!
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