Racism in Charlottesville, VA

In light of this weekend's events I wanted to post about all the happenings in Charlottesville, VA. I believe in no way does the "rally" hosted by this group represent your average American white person. Most people (of all different ethnic backgrounds)  I know don't even see color in a person and that's how it should be.

I am grieved that we have this mindset is even in existence in America STILL today. I am grieved that anyone lost their lives in protest of this events.

I know as  Christian brothers and sisters God created us different BUT also equal. I know as Christians it is imperative for us to ban together in this season more than ever instead of allowing the enemy to pull us apart based on cultural differences.

My weaknesses are supposed to be covered by your strengths and your weaknesses are supposed to be covered by my strengths. When we can truly see this and embrace this we are better equipped for the harvest before us and the labor that will be required in this season as we bind together in purpose and vision. Unity and numbers always produce power and this is the very fact and reason why the enemy fights so hard to divide us and in so many areas he is subtly winning the battle. Just our circles can confirm that alone.

A few things I want to leave you with to ponder...

  1. "We DO NOT wrestle against flesh and blood." (Ephesians 6:12) We don't. There are powers and principalities at work here looking to handicap our work against the powers of darkness. Gross darkness is going to cover the earth more and more and we CANNOT as brothers and sisters turn on one another thus weakening our power and ability to move in God's will and direction.
  2. "By this everyone will know that you  are My disciples, IF you love one another." (John 13:35) We will be know by our love for one another. We will not be known by our works. We will not be known by our words BUT simply our love for one another. Can I love you because you look different than me? Can I look beyond the perceptions of what my "white" America has taught me? Can you love me because I look different than you? Can you look beyond the perceptions of what your "black" America has taught you? 
  3. "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Gentile--the same is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him," (Romans 10:12) Remember God called the Jew and the Gentile together and BOTH worthy of salvation and empowerment through the Holy Spirit. He is calling every tribe, every tongue together empowered through the Holy Spirit to show what true unconditional love really is. It is based on the heart, it looks upon the heart and sees beyond every other difference we might have.
  4. "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand." (Mark 3:25-27) A house divided cannot stand.  It is the enemy's plan alone to separate us. Hate is the enemy's plan alone. Wisdom and discernment is vital in this season to see what God sees and hear what God is saying about every circumstance, about every uprising. We should always step back and ask God t o show us the truth in every situation before we jump to any conclusions based on our perceptions or even what we're hearing others speak.
  5. Lastly, we are ALL yes ALL whether we like that or not ALL created in the image of God. God Himself said "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." (Genesis 1:26) Even though we have differences, racial and gender differences we are still all a reflection of God. He intended it that way. We all bring a portion of God to the table, that's just how VAST He truly is!!! 
I have never looked at any other human being differently based on our physical differences. I ask you not to look at me based on our physical differences. I ask that we bind together and forge forward realizing and not allowing a few misguided, deceived, led by the enemy groups or affiliations or movements to tear US brothers and sisters apart. Let's use this to draw us even closer together. Separation and division is never God's plan. Let's stretch beyond our comfort zones (if they so exist) let's embrace one another realizing I have something to pour into you and you have something to pour into me and in doing so we STOMP ON THE HEAD OF THE ENEMY IN THE PROCESS!



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