
The End Times Approaching

I've been reading and listening to older prophetic words on the end times and I really don't think modern Christianity is prepared for what's ahead! We've been  praying for the glory and the fire but with that we must know comes the guts and the battles and the digging in and the standing firm and standing longer than we anticipated. The being mocked, lied about, laughed at, rejected, etc...this is what the glory and the fire look like and it is necessary to become an end time carrier of both. As we are in the process of being molded into glory and fire carriers we must come up higher and then go up from there a little higher (as Revelation 4 trumpet sounds to John to "come up here so I can show you things that MUST take place.") It is the same for us.  We will ascend in worship and we will descend in battle. The glory and the fire will come to the pursuers who won't relent during the battles. God is looking for desperate vessels willing to do whatever the...

"Is There Just One?" by Linda Davis

God sought for a man willing and couldn't find not even one! Ezekiel 22:30 "And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none."  Will we in this season leave God hanging once again? Will we be the ones willing to say AND act upon "Here I am send me?" If we are the ones to be willing to go, be and do what God is seeking us to go, be and do then it will be sacrificial, it will NOT be about self at any level. I look around today and see so much "self-focus." What do I want, what can I do, how do I feel, what will benefit me, does that please my will, etc... What happened to shifting those questions to what does God want, what can I do for God's Kingdom, how does God feel, what benefits (glorifies) God, does this choice please the will of God, etc...?  Not that anything has changed much really. All the way back in Ezekiel's day God was desper...

God’s Righteousness vs. Our Inability

Jesus covers us BUT He doesn’t excuse us. We have all sinned, yes, we have all fallen short, yes. (Romans 3:23) We’ve seen the pictures of Jesus being the bridge connecting our inability to God’s righteousness making us the righteousness of God. Jesus covered us so we CAN become the righteousness of God by remaining IN HIM. (2 Cor. 5:19) Does Jesus covering us say go do what you want, be what you want with no regard as long as you have accepted Jesus into your heart you’re good, He has you covered? If the answer is yes then we’re saying repentance, surrender and obedience aren’t required when we know biblically they are.  Philippians 2:12 tells us it’s important to continue in obedience AND to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. And, of course there’s Romans 6:15 that asks a question and answers it for us...If God’s grace covers us can we continue in sin and then answers with a certainly not. My question is if righteousness covers all then why not? What is the true stam...

How do You Keep Your Valentine Your Valentine?

How do you keep your valentine your valentine? My husband and I have been married for 30 years now. That pales in comparison to some we know but is also far ahead of others we know. What makes a marriage work year after year? Here’s 10 nuggets I think can help us in our marriage. 1.     During disagreements, commit to find and understand your spouse’s perspective instead of INSISTING they understand yours. 2.      It doesn’t necessarily matter that you disagree or even how often you disagree but what matters more is your commitment to not necessarily “win” the disagreement or get concession from your spouse to your viewpoint but moreso come to an agreement that favors both of you. Every marriage has disagreements, how you resolve them is what matters most. 3.     Ask yourself these questions.  Did you show love and respect in the heat of the disagreement? If not, what can you do differently next time? Apply your answers next go around. 4.   ...

The Spirit Knows What We Don’t Know

Sometimes we just need to stop and pray. Our minds are racing, our “fix it” gears are in motion even though there is no “fix it” answer. When we don’t stop and pray (or we pray half-heartedly) we begin to get discouraged and frustrated when we don’t see movement. If we can contend in prayer we will build up our inner man. How you ask? As we are led in prayer beginning with a heart of thanksgiving we find ourselves edified and encouraged even (maybe even especially) if nothing in our outside circumstances have changed. I love that sometimes we just don’t know how to pray and that’s ok even though it feels like a difficult spot to be in. We want God’s will but we also want our desires. I have been in that place more often than I care to be recently. I want my desires but I also want God’s will. Just last week I decided I have put my petitions (my desires) before the Lord a lot recently. Now, in order to not pray against the will of God, I have begun to pray daily in the Spirit when I am ...

Hurting Hearts Hurt Others; Healed Hearts Heal Others

We've often heard the statement "hurting people hurt people" and it's true. So, if hurting people hurt people then I would have to say "healed people heal people." The condition of our heart is a reflection and impact on every person around us. Many times I advise young moms (it goes just as much for young dads) that even though it's uncomfortable to deal with your stuff, whatever you are unwilling to deal with, your children will have to. Why? Because we either pass down our hurts or we pass down our healing.  There is nothing Jesus wants more than to have full access to your heart. He can already see behind the veil we keep in front of our hearts to shield the true condition of our hearts from others so let's pull back the veil of protection and give Jesus permission to have His way in our heart regardless of how uncomfortable it may get.  Let's deal with the areas we know we need to deal with, the areas He shows us so we can stand before God o...

Only You can do You

Only you can do you! Only you can do what God called you to do in the way that God desires it to be done. Now, will God use someone else if you refuse? Yes, He absolutely will. Why? Because God will not deny His people what He is trying to bring them but you are the one He desires for a specific purpose, don’t force someone else to step into your spot .  God  seeks out and shows up to Moses in the form of a flame of glory that appeared to be a burning bush. In this moment God is revealing Moses' true purpose to him. I don’t know about you but I would think if God started talking to me from a burning bush I’m not going to argue His point with Him! It’s time for Moses’ destiny to be activated and Moses' response is pure panic at this point! One excuse after another. Paraphrasing his response to realizing the task God has laid out before him in Exodus 3:13-14, "who me? who am I? they won't listen? they won't follow me? I stutter, I'll be mocked for my speech....