Hurting Hearts Hurt Others; Healed Hearts Heal Others

We've often heard the statement "hurting people hurt people" and it's true. So, if hurting people hurt people then I would have to say "healed people heal people." The condition of our heart is a reflection and impact on every person around us.

Many times I advise young moms (it goes just as much for young dads) that even though it's uncomfortable to deal with your stuff, whatever you are unwilling to deal with, your children will have to. Why? Because we either pass down our hurts or we pass down our healing. 

There is nothing Jesus wants more than to have full access to your heart. He can already see behind the veil we keep in front of our hearts to shield the true condition of our hearts from others so let's pull back the veil of protection and give Jesus permission to have His way in our heart regardless of how uncomfortable it may get. 

Let's deal with the areas we know we need to deal with, the areas He shows us so we can stand before God on a daily basis with a pure heart. A pure heart does not hold unforgiveness, a pure heart does not hold malice, is not vindictive, it is not impatient or easily angered. A pure heart is not envious or jealous. A pure heart is not boastful and/or arrogant. 

Are you testing the litmus test of a pure heart? If not, don't get discouraged just simply ask Jesus to come in and help you in whatever area you KNOW you need help in. 

If it’s impatience ask Jesus “show me why. I’m so impatient” and then even “help me to be more patient.” AND then make a genuine effort to be more patient. Jesus won’t come in with a magic wand and just take impatience away, it will be a daily effort on your part until one day you find yourself more patient.

If it’s unforgiveness you struggle with and you know it, or maybe you even said “I’ll forgive but I’ll never forget” here’s a tidbit for you, you haven’t forgiven. That’s not how God does it, that’s not how we do it. In Micah 7:19 we’re told that God’s forgiveness goes as far as the depths of the sea, that His forgiveness extends as far as the east is from the west AND our sins have been cast into the Sea of Forgetfulness. That is forgiveness. If you are struggling with forgiving someone, everyday simply pray “Lord help me to forgive this person, I don’t want to forgive them but I know I need to so please help me, give me compassion for them, help me to even love them as you love them.” Do it every day until one day you realize you have forgotten what you needed to forgive or it no longer provokes a response in you. 

Remember “hurting hearts hurt others and healed hearts heal others” which do you want to extend to those closest to you? 


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