"Is There Just One?" by Linda Davis

God sought for a man willing and couldn't find not even one! Ezekiel 22:30 "And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none." 

Will we in this season leave God hanging once again? Will we be the ones willing to say AND act upon "Here I am send me?" If we are the ones to be willing to go, be and do what God is seeking us to go, be and do then it will be sacrificial, it will NOT be about self at any level.

I look around today and see so much "self-focus." What do I want, what can I do, how do I feel, what will benefit me, does that please my will, etc... What happened to shifting those questions to what does God want, what can I do for God's Kingdom, how does God feel, what benefits (glorifies) God, does this choice please the will of God, etc...? 

Not that anything has changed much really. All the way back in Ezekiel's day God was desperate for just one person to say "yes Lord I am willing" AND act sacrificially on what they  said have yes to. When God was speaking to the people saying "and I sought" that word "sought" in Hebrew translates out to basically say God was seeking out by any method possible, He desired for there to be just one almost to the point of begging because His desire was so strong. And, yet, He says in v.30 "but I found none."

If God was talking through Ezekiel why wouldn't God use Ezekiel? Ezekiel could have led people that wanted to be led BUT the people did not want to be led into true Godliness and holiness. You cannot lead those that do not want to follow where you are trying to bring them. 

I want to urge you to be willing to be led down the path of Godliness and Holiness. Be willing to lay aside what you want, how you feel, excuses you're making, don't be the one God has to look beyond because you were unwilling to answer His call of despair for someone to stand in the gap on His behalf.

God is seeking helpers...this has been going on for generations and continues today. In Isaiah 41:28 God says "For I looked, and there was no man; I looked among them, but there was no counselor, who, when I asked of them could answer a word." In Isaiah 59:16 it says "He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor;" AND in Isaiah 63:5 God tells us "I looked, but there was no one to help, and I wondered that there was no one to uphold; therefore My own arm brought salvation for Me;" 

God has always been seeking, looking, searching for the ones willing to sacrificially say "yes." Don't determine in yourself "what it is all about." Ask God what your purpose is all about. In 2 Chronicles 16:9 it says "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him;"

God is on a holy search, will He find you? He is looking for the ones that aren't perfect but are willing to be led, willing to be taught Godliness and Holiness and as a result equipped to stand in the gap. As we stand in the gap we will be used to show others, what the gap is, what the error is, where falsehood has crept in and birthed deception, where confusion has come in and spoken to minds that once said "this is not ok" to now believing "this is ok." Gaps are a serious thing that God needs our help contending with. The gaps will destroy nations, families, and individual people. 

We are in a desperate time once again and God is begging for the ones who will close the gaps of deception and falsehood and build up the truth of God by speaking the whole unbiased truth of God's heart (found in His word.) 

Why not be the one? Truly responding to the seeking eyes of the Lord proclaiming as Isaiah said in Isaiah 6:8 "Here am I. Send me!" The only requirement that still stands is a life of holiness (not perfection) but a heart toward what God calls HOLY. 

There is an attainment of holiness and a maintaining of holiness. We attained holiness through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. We maintain holiness through our lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis. Are we choosing holiness? Do we really desire and seek to have both the mind of Christ and be transformed into His image? Do we deny lusts of our flesh, actually crucifying our flesh realizing any life we give it (our flesh) will only leave it begging more of us, do we take heed in our daily choices? Are we choosing holiness in our relationships and interactions with others? Do we have a healthy fear of God? 

Why is holiness important you ask? Why so extreme? What does it really matter?

Those are questions for God to answer, I only know God told us "Be holy as I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16) and He would not have said it if He didn't desire it for us and it was unattainable by us. 

This is battle of Godliness and Holiness has always been and will continue on. Two scriptures Paul references sum it up perfectly and I believe this is the heart of God on the matter of holiness and what is in our very own hearts. The battle is always there, the flesh and the Spirit contending against one another and wanting two different things like Galatians 5:16 and 17 tell us "I say then: walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are CONTRARY to one another so that you do no do the things that you wish." and Paul also says in Galatians 3:2 "we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man," BUT, let's do what Paul did and told us about in Philippians 3:14 "I PRESS on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 

When we make the daily choice to allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit and not by our flesh as we continue to press on we can then become the ones who stand in the gap building up God's truth, revealing God's heart and building God's kingdom.  


Few other scriptures for you to look up on the importance of living a lifestyle of holiness that is pleasing to God. (Matt 5:20, 48; 1 Thess 4:3; 2 Cor 5:15; Eph 5:25 and Titus 2:14)



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