How do You Keep Your Valentine Your Valentine?

How do you keep your valentine your valentine? My husband and I have been married for 30 years now. That pales in comparison to some we know but is also far ahead of others we know. What makes a marriage work year after year? Here’s 10 nuggets I think can help us in our marriage.

1.    During disagreements, commit to find and understand your spouse’s perspective instead of INSISTING they understand yours.

2.    It doesn’t necessarily matter that you disagree or even how often you disagree but what matters more is your commitment to not necessarily “win” the disagreement or get concession from your spouse to your viewpoint but moreso come to an agreement that favors both of you. Every marriage has disagreements, how you resolve them is what matters most.

3.    Ask yourself these questions. Did you show love and respect in the heat of the disagreement? If not, what can you do differently next time? Apply your answers next go around.

4.    Before you expect your spouse to understand your emotions you need to understand your emotions. Emotions are always heated in the moment. If you cannot rationalize that your spouse has a place and a say in your disagreement because of your emotions you need to step back and break away for a moment to cool off and gather yourself. Heated words in the name of “resolving the matter” never bring forth good results.

5.    Anger, resentment, frustration and even competitiveness have no room in any arguments with our spouse. If we recognize these in ourselves or our spouse we need to put an end to the discussion momentarily. Unless you can truthfully assess what things may be like from your spouse’s viewpoint you shouldn’t continue the effort to resolve the disagreement. 

6.    Don’t ever minimize the emotions of your spouse. Don’t tell them something they’ve come to you with is not a big deal, that they are overreacting or that they are wrong. Make an effort to find out why they are feeling the way they are feeling.

7.    AVOID the inclination to defend yourself and attack your spouse. We all tend to get defensive very quickly and it never leads to true reconciliation.

8.    Understand you bring plenty to the arena of conflict within your marriage. Recognize that as much as you think your spouse has to work on, you have just as much. Amplify your own faults (to yourself) and praise your spouse’s strengths. 

9.     Sometimes it takes only one of us in the marriage in the heat of the moment to lay aside ego, lay aside the right to be right, to lay aside the insistence of making your point the right point. Recognize when you need to be that one. 

10.    ALWAYS take the time to pray together...even if it’s only 5 minutes, pray together!

Putting these nuggets to practice on a regular basis will take time and commitment but when you do your marriage will, step by step, become an unshakable force that nothing can divide. 


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