The End Times Approaching

I've been reading and listening to older prophetic words on the end times and I really don't think modern Christianity is prepared for what's ahead!

We've been  praying for the glory and the fire but with that we must know comes the guts and the battles and the digging in and the standing firm and standing longer than we anticipated. The being mocked, lied about, laughed at, rejected, etc...this is what the glory and the fire look like and it is necessary to become an end time carrier of both.

As we are in the process of being molded into glory and fire carriers we must come up higher and then go up from there a little higher (as Revelation 4 trumpet sounds to John to "come up here so I can show you things that MUST take place.") It is the same for us. 

We will ascend in worship and we will descend in battle.

The glory and the fire will come to the pursuers who won't relent during the battles. God is looking for desperate vessels willing to do whatever they must to carrier His glory and His fire in the end time army of God. 

God is saying "I cannot release My glory and My fire until people are desperate for My glory and My fire. People, My people, are too comfortable in their current Christianity and have been complacent in hungering for My glory BUT I am beginning to stir again, I am beginning to cause an unsettledness that cannot be comforted by modern conveniences, by modern entertainment, by modern church services, an unsettledness that will only be comforted by the Comforter Himself through a pursuit of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Those that respond to the stirring and pursue the renewed filling of the Holy Spirit at a greater/deeper level will be equipped as carriers of the greater glory and greater fire." 

This is not a platform of honor and reputation but of power and purpose. If you are seeking and honor and reputation you will be honored by man and overlooked by God. If you seek power and purpose for His Kingdom then His eyes are roaming the earth looking for you and they will rest upon you! 

The things He will require of you and of me will not bring honor but scrutiny and mocking and persecution just as so many before us have already experienced as they became glory and fire carriers for the Kingdom of God. 

Will you really answer the call of God's heart and walk in His glory and His fire instead of the call of the platform gifted to you from man? These are the men and women God is looking for to equip as part of His end time army led by the Holy Spirit, going and doing and being what God and God alone says to go and do and be! 


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