Does a White Person Have a Voice on Racism?

As a white person I hate what is going on in our Country. I hate that people are being divided by their race. I hate that everyday people of all different color are uncertain of the person standing next to them. We’ve all made and seen a lot of post at the outrage that racism still exist and the gross negligence that said racism brings out resulting in fear, anger, confusion, heartache, hate and even loss of life that can take place. I’m genuine when I tell you many of us white people are trying to figure out in our small reach what action we can take to make a difference that will amount to real change. I was just in a conversation yesterday and my question  was “what can we actually do, what action can we take to actually make a difference because the disheartening thing is not much seems to.” I’m not racist, I know plenty of people who aren’t racist but in what way can I personally have an impact on the injustices that happen, What can I do that I’m not doing? I speak out on social media and throw in a few hashtags because that’s my reach BUT there has to be more. I see Mayors and even Law Enforcement Officials that come out when a black person is murdered and their is a public response of outrage and, in response, the governmental leadership condemn the actions taking place. Both President Trump and President Obama were quick to assign the FBI to investigate on a federal level (something not normally done) BUT then things slowly creep back to status quo. More than “condemning” racism, action needs to take place. Even more than “talk” but what? AND who? AND how? That’s what needs to be addressed to hopefully produce real change. I don’t personally know one white person that thinks there is absolutely any justification to the murder of George Floyd (at least not my circle of people.) I don’t personally know one white person that thinks there is absolutely any justification to the murder of Ahmed Arbery. Of course that list could continue sadly! It’s not right but what now? After the rioting stops, after the flames simmer, after the news outlets stop coverage, what??? What really changes? I know this, true change will come in some form when White people, Black people, Hispanic people, Asian people, and every other tone of skin will unite with each other, linking arms together and demanding we not be divided by the hate of a few. I would say there is a loud minority who are tearing us all apart. I know this, I embrace different cultures, there is so much to learn from one another. God made us all different and threw us in the mixing pot together to figure out what true, unconditional love looks like and here we are at a time when compassion is not enough but active compassion is required!

I have used my voice and will continue to do so but that seems so insignificant that my heart is screaming “what else can I do!?!” I hate that any black person feels hatred by white people I genuinely hate that! I will not keep silent in fear of protecting myself OR in fear of saying the wrong thing. I don’t understand the mentality that any human being is inferior to another, I really don’t. I wasn’t raised that way, that I know and therein lies a big issue in itself. This hatred is being passed from one generation to the next. I know a black woman who works at a pre-school who actually had a little white boy tell her “I don’t have to listen to you, you’re black.” Say what??? 3 years old!! On the other side of that, when I lived in Pearland I was meeting someone at a restaurant, as I was walking in a young black boy about 10 years old held the door open for me. I turned and thanked him, his mother shot me a dirty look and turned to her son and said “don’t you ever hold the door open for a white woman.” Two young children being taught that our two different races should not regard and treat each other the same. That’s where a portion of the problem genuinely lies.


  1. Amen Linda! Galatians 5:14 NLT — For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”


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