Don't be a Fool

Proverbs 23

When you've been invited to a dinner with an important leader what do you do? You consider your manners and you keep in mind the whole time you were at dinner who you are with. But I want you to be careful to curb your appetite and catch yourself before you fall into the trap of just wanting everything you see. Don't crave what's put before you at the table because it might have a trap to it. Don't compare yourself to others but instead evaluate your ambitions before the eyes of God! Be careful to know who you are dining with if it is a stingy man keep that in mind and don't eat too much or he will judge you. He will tell you "no really go ahead have whatever you want I'm treating" but in his heart he resents it and then you'll be sorry you even ate anything at all. When you are giving advice remember a rebellious fool will despise it don't even waste your time as a matter fact save your breath! Don't attempt to take anything that doesn't belong to you especially from the fatherless because they have a strong defender watching over them. Be sure to pay close attention to any teaching that corrects and open your heart to words of instruction for your life. Don't withhold appropriate discipline from your kids punish them when they need it don't spoil them! A good spanking can teach a lifelong lesson when done for the right purpose. When your heart is full of wisdom the Lord's heart is full of gladness. When you are speaking anointed words you are speaking for the Lord. Don't get mad at others for what they do especially those that don't walk with the Lord, instead you focus on your worship of God. Your future is bright, concern yourself with that. As you listen to God you'll grow in wisdom and your heart will be drawn into understanding which empowers you to make right decisions. Don't live in excess, don't indulge in drunkenness, don't stuff yourself with food, and don't waste your years of youth partying away. Those that eat too much in those that drink too much waste their lives and have not lived to honor God! Always give respect to your father and your mother because you must remember without them you wouldn't even exist. Be sure to not neglect them when they grow old. When a father sees his child walking in the ways of God it brings him pure joy and nothing can make a father prouder. Cause your father's heart to be filled with joy and your mother's soul to be filled with gladness because you walk with the Lord! Nothing else matters to them. Give your heart fully to the Lord, don't hold back. Stay far away from prostitutes because they lead to the pit of destruction. In other words, don't sleep around it's a trap you you don't want to be caught in, the seduction of the moment of pleasure leads you to a place that is very difficult to get out of. Who has pain in their life? Who has anger in their life? Who has grief in their life? Who constantly complains? Who constantly argues with others? Who drinks too much? Who eats too much? It's the one who has not sought to be pleasing to the Lord. Make sure this is never you! Your reputation speaks of you without you even saying a word. People can take one look at you and know if you do any of the above. Be known as one who enjoys the company of those that walk with the Lord. Your life will reflect this. If you choose to indulge in any of the things above then one day you will wake up and say what has happened to my life? How did I get in this place? What hit me?Don’t be a fool


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