Dig it all Up

If we want to truly be healed and made whole we must get ALL the root issues from our heart pulled up not just deal with the surface symptoms. Sin is a surface symptom of a deeper undealt with issue. When we fall into moments of envy, selfishness, strife, jealousy, anger, drunkenness, pride, overeating (gluttony), lying, sowing discord, idolatry (especially of self), hatred (even strong dislike), etc., we must view these as a red flag. The list could go on and on of moments of sin in our lives.

What we tend to do as a whole is repent for the action and it temporarily makes us feel better. But many times the same issue comes back and we struggle over and over with the same issue not walking in victory and frustrated as to why not. The answer is because we have only repented.

Jesus told people “go and sin no more.” In other words, get freedom in this area of your life. How do we do this? We go one step further than just repentance. I am not trying to minimize repentance, it is obviously an important thing but we must understand what it really means which is to CHANGE. Instead, we as believers really repent to feel better. We sin, we know we did, we blew it in a moment, which we all do, so we repent. After we have repented we feel better and we move on in life. I want to challenge you today to take it a step further. After you repent ask God to show you the issue of your heart that caused you to stumble. Sin is the action but there is most definitely a root to our action and that is what needs to be dealt with for true victory in our lives.

Why did I sin Lord? Why was I angry? What caused me to be jealous? Why did I sow discord with my brothers and sisters? Why did I pass judgment? Why did I tell that quick, little lie? Why was I selfish in that moment? What caused me to be prideful and view myself as better than that other person? Why did I put myself above even you God? How come I can’t stand that person?

Why? Why? Why? I promise you there is a why. The answer to the why is the very root we need to attack viciously and completely remove from our heart. Roots can be many things but they are not usually the easy things.

Root of Unforgiveness
Root of Bitterness
Root of Rejection
Root of Self-hatred
Root of Guilt/Shame

This list of root issues can go on and on too. The struggle is different for everyone! Ask God after you have repented where this is coming from and why. He will be faithful to show you. You may not and probably will not like what He does show you but I beg of you, please, please, yank that root out. Ask God to come in and pour His healing Balm of Gilead over that area that needs soothing after you rip the roots out and toss them violently to the ground saying “no more will you have a stronghold on my life!”

See when we just repent it’s like having a scab on your arm that is healing but it’s itchy so we scratch at it and we end up picking the scab right off, what happens is temporary relief comes in. BUT, there will be a day in the near future that the scab grows back and begins to itch again. Then what do you do? Do you let healing come completely in or do you pick at it again for temporary relief?

The choice is yours! “Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster.” Deuteronomy 30:15



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