Does Love Really Never Fail?
We read in 1st Corinthians 13:8 that “love never fails” yet we see relationships fail, sever, and become distant all around us. We thought there was love in the relationship? T he scripture says "love never fails"? So, what happened? The true love of Jesus Christ himself was not functioning in the relationship or it would not have failed. The law of love that Jesus himself showed was that He was willing to go to the cross and die on our behalf—while we were yet sinners as Romans 5:8 tells us this truth that He loved us in our flaws--this, this is true love. This was one of my favorite scriptures when I first started walking in the things of the Lord. To grasp that while we weren't even thinking of the Lord he was thinking of us to the point of death so we could have freedom to ascend to the throne of God in purity of fellowship to the place of restoration as Adam and Eve in fellowship directly with God, walking in the cool of the morning with nothing hidden, no shame, no...