
Showing posts from June, 2020

Embracing Your Season of Singleness as a Woman

Every young single woman out there, I want you to have your identity in Christ. I desire for you to be healed and made whole in Christ, embrace a season of singleness, walk with the Lord, let the Lord really do in you all He desires to do in you before you step into all He has for you.  It’s an advantage as a single person to begin working on your heart issues before you step into a committed relationship and then marriage. The more healed and whole your heart is when you meet that special someone, the healthier your relationship will be. No one attains perfection and I’m not encouraging you to stay single until you feel as though everything is “fixed” so to speak BUT anything you can work on in wounded areas of your heart with the Lord before marriage is a significant advantage. God will place you in a position to work on yourself, how you respond is up to you of course! If you don’t deal with your stuff it will impact every relationship around you and then when the day comes that...

Identity, Dating and Marriage

Young women today have their identities misplaced. We have for years been taught there’s a certain way we’re supposed to behave, a certain way we’re supposed to look, an image we’re supposed to obtain and even how you’re supposed to marry. Your identity is none of these things. Our identity and becoming anchored in our identity is a process we go through, who we are, what we want to be, what we will reflect to others. Is our identity a reflection of the glory of God. Are we “living epistles?” Is our identity in Christ? If it is it will solidify how we live our lives, what we want from our lives, who we allow in our inner circles, who we allow access to our hearts. We must go through a process, typically in our young 20’s, of digging for ourselves and find out who God really is and what the gospel really is. When we have revelation of these two things we find our identity in Jesus Christ, as His beloved. Every day we must wake up, if necessary, and remind ourselves God loves us, G...