A Prayer for 2020
Philippians 1:9-11 is a scripture that will breathe life into our year of 2020. It is important how we see things in 2020. It is important how others see us in 2020 AND it is important how God sees us in 2020. Pray this for yourselves, pray this for your loved ones. Memorize it, write it on the tablet of your heart. This is 20/20 vision right here. This is a scripture to memorize and pray (beginning now) through 2020. That our love abounds and increases, that we reflect the love of God in all we do, that we have discernment and spiritual insight (clarity of vision) that we can distinguish (through the eyes of God-our spiritual insight) moral differences between holiness and sin and choose holiness in all we do, big and small, walking out the commandment of God to “be holy as I am holy...” (found in both Leviticus 11:44 and 1 Peter 1:6), that we walk pure in heart, with clean hands and blameless before the Lord for our motives, that our words AND our actions help others to walk away fro...