
Showing posts from 2019

A Prayer for 2020

Philippians 1:9-11 is a scripture that will breathe life into our year of 2020. It is important how we see things in 2020. It is important how others see us in 2020 AND it is important how God sees us in 2020. Pray this for yourselves, pray this for your loved ones. Memorize it, write it on the tablet of your heart. This is 20/20 vision right here. This is a scripture to memorize and pray (beginning now) through 2020. That our love abounds and increases, that we reflect the love of God in all we do, that we have discernment and spiritual insight (clarity of vision) that we can distinguish (through the eyes of God-our spiritual insight) moral differences between holiness and sin and choose holiness in all we do, big and small, walking out the commandment of God to “be holy as I am holy...” (found in both Leviticus 11:44 and 1 Peter 1:6), that we walk pure in heart, with clean hands and blameless before the Lord for our motives, that our words AND our actions help others to walk away fro...

Are You Expecting?

In Psalm 5:3 David calls out to God saying “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I plead my case to you and watch expectantly.” In David’s morning prayers, he releases his heart to the Lord, his wants, his needs, his inner desires and then he watches expectantly, with an expectation, that God will do something. David has an expectation and that expectation will be met. A lot of times, we may pray, we may petition the Lord but then we go about our day WITHOUT a real expectation that God will actually respond to our heart’s cry. There’s a difference between watching and waiting. Waiting can bring weariness whereas watching includes hope and expectancy that something is about to be produced. Watching puts a demand on us to leave our spiritual eyes open to look beyond natural circumstances in our life and trust that God did indeed hear the cry of our heart and He is going to respond. Let’s flip this over...God is also watching us with expectation. He is watching us...

Political Correctness

I’m not going to flow with the status quo. I’m not going to be “politically correct.” Anything I post is with a heart of love because my strongest desire is for people to know real truth, biblical truth, because that is what brings true freedom and everlasting joy. It has me personally. My life is forever changed because of “truth-in-love” speakers AND the word of God being activated in my life through studying it. We desperately need to get beyond the mindset of “if you speak anything against my belief system you are judgmental, you are not walking in love, you are not showing the love of God.” Jesus himself spoke truth (very directly) with passion because He had great revelation of the alternative. Tickling ears is becoming the tone of the day from the listener to the speaker. I am not saying we walk around shouting at everyone with a pointed finger all the wrong we see but most certainly when we are asked we must speak the truth of God’s word. The love of God and the justness of Go...

Where You Stepping?

I don’t ever want my feet where God doesn’t intend them to be in a particular season because then I am just doing “works” of the flesh and wearing myself out. Even if that means sitting and doing nothing for a season at least I am doing “nothing” in the Lord if that makes sense. Trust God if He says “go.” Trust God if He says “sit.” Just trust God. In order to trust God you have to hear and know His voice. That comes from pursuit. Psalm 37:23 tells us “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” IMAGINE THAT??? “EVERY DETAIL!” Sometimes the path is clear, sometimes the path is winding and we CANNOT see what is right around the bend. Sometimes we think we can see quite a distance but then when we get to where we thought we knew what we saw, things are different. It all comes down to hearing and trusting and allowing ourselves to be led as Psalm 37 tells us God will do. #faithbuilder #trust #hear #listen #god #coffeetalkwithlinda

Psalm 27: My Takeaway

I spent the month of September reading PSALM 27 over and over. This is just my take-away from the Psalm and what I believe we can take away from it. During v. 1-6 things were going good for David. ONE THING 1-6 tells us is God is on our side, He helped before and He will help now. He is a miracle-working God and we have nothing to fear. “The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid. My light—HE'S MY DIRECTION, MY GUIDE, HE LEADS ME, HE SHOWS ME WHAT TO DO, HE'S THE STRENGTH OF MY LIFE (HIDING PLACE), HE SHIELDS ME, HE CONTINUALLY WALKS WITH ME, HE’S IN IT WITH US NOT JUST ON THE SIDELINES. “Strength of my life” DAVID WAS A WARRIOR, HE WAS A STRONG GUY AND YET HE LOOKED TO THE LORD FOR HIS STRENGTH. WE SHOULD MOST CERTAINLY DO THE SAME. TO TRULY HAVE GOD AS THE STRENGTH OF OUR LIFE IS TO COMPLETELY TRUST HIM IN ALL AREAS AND NOT TAKE MATTERS INTO OUR OWN HANDS, NOT WORRY, NOT FRET. ESPE...

Joy vs. Happiness

I made a post on my Facebook today that stated “When we have JOY in ALL circumstances we have truly overcome and are rooted in God’s peace. Does it mean we’re happy about what we’re facing? No, but, if our foundation is joy, that we trust God is somehow working something out of what we’re facing, then we can grab a different perspective AND outlook. Psalm 126:5-6 tells us ‘Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!’ Trust God that what you can’t see through the blurriness of your tears are seeds of JOY waiting to break forth! #joy #god #trusttheprocess #coffeetalkwithlinda In response to that post I received a text saying “I don’t understand the difference of joy and happiness?” As I began to answer that question it provoked me to dig a little deeper and this is what I came away with... Joy is a foundation in the Lord that comes through the Lord, it is actually His joy functioning in us and as a result, His strength moving in and through us. Happiness is a human emotion....

If I “Judge” You do I Love You?

I read a post earlier today about “we aren’t supposed to judge” and how popular that is for Christians to say to other Christians ESPECIALLY if a little correction or challenging of life choices is being brought. She’s so on point with her post @vanessamaddoux. We are quick to point the accusational finger of judgement! (And we are so quick to believe someone’s story without speaking to the individual the story is being told about!) This is so off base biblically!! (Check 1 Corinthians 5:9-13)The word itself tells us to judge one another and hold each other to the fiery truth of God’s word. If you know me at all you’ve heard me say “speaking truth is the highest form of love we can express.” Parents do it all the time in correcting their children. Why? Because they love them and know their is better inside their child they are trying to draw out. If we aren’t supposed to judge one another why are we told to be fruit inspectors? (Matthew 7) We’re supposed to know the true walk of someo...


I’m talking to fellow believers in Christ here. The moral standard in America should be grieving us all, yes, to the depth of grief! Where is our moral outrage? Where is the passionate concern for the decline in not only our own country but the world at large? Did we ever think Infanticide would even be discussed? Did we think it would be ok for parents to allow their 7-year old to be paraded around as a drag queen?  It is now legal in some States to abort your baby up until the point of birth (aka murder.) We see these laws being passed. New York kicked it off, Illinois is now considered the “abortion capital of the country.”  Children that can’t possibly know identity are now being robbed of it as early as five years old. Same sex couples are adopting, birthing and raising children as if it were the intent of God in marriage. Adult children in these situations have shared the immense difficulties and mental confusion this caused in their lives.  We sh...