
Showing posts from May, 2019

If I “Judge” You do I Love You?

I read a post earlier today about “we aren’t supposed to judge” and how popular that is for Christians to say to other Christians ESPECIALLY if a little correction or challenging of life choices is being brought. She’s so on point with her post @vanessamaddoux. We are quick to point the accusational finger of judgement! (And we are so quick to believe someone’s story without speaking to the individual the story is being told about!) This is so off base biblically!! (Check 1 Corinthians 5:9-13)The word itself tells us to judge one another and hold each other to the fiery truth of God’s word. If you know me at all you’ve heard me say “speaking truth is the highest form of love we can express.” Parents do it all the time in correcting their children. Why? Because they love them and know their is better inside their child they are trying to draw out. If we aren’t supposed to judge one another why are we told to be fruit inspectors? (Matthew 7) We’re supposed to know the true walk of someo...