I’m talking to fellow believers in Christ here. The moral standard in America should be grieving us all, yes, to the depth of grief! Where is our moral outrage? Where is the passionate concern for the decline in not only our own country but the world at large? Did we ever think Infanticide would even be discussed? Did we think it would be ok for parents to allow their 7-year old to be paraded around as a drag queen? It is now legal in some States to abort your baby up until the point of birth (aka murder.) We see these laws being passed. New York kicked it off, Illinois is now considered the “abortion capital of the country.” Children that can’t possibly know identity are now being robbed of it as early as five years old. Same sex couples are adopting, birthing and raising children as if it were the intent of God in marriage. Adult children in these situations have shared the immense difficulties and mental confusion this caused in their lives. We sh...