Can You Still Trust Me?

What are you going to do when the frustration continues? What are you going to do when the disappointment mounts? What are you going to do when the discouragement gets bigger? What are you going to do when the crying out increases yet no response? What are you going to do when there's a lack of understanding of your circumstance? What are you going to do when you've been quick to obey and yet the struggle continues? I hear God asking today, in the middle of disappointment, in the thick of discouragement, in the frustration, in the hurt, even in the shame, in the embarrassment, in the middle of all these emotions He is saying to His children today, in the middle of blow after blow after blow, "I am asking you to still trust me." Yes, that simple and yet so very hard! What if we can stand and believe God at His word when the waiting and standing go beyond our time frame? When the clock has ticked past our acceptable length of waiting and standing and believing?...