
Showing posts from December, 2017

2018: The Year God is Asking "Will you move with Me?"

In 2017 God said all year long "watch me move" and now heading into 2018 He is saying "you have watched me move all year long NOW it is time to move with me." #LET'S GO! We can't be a people pleaser (even to ourselves) and be obedient to the difficult things God asks/requires of us. I can't think of one biblical example of obedience stepping and faith building that did not come at a hefty but rewarding price to those involved. There will always be someone unhappy with your obedience, ALWAYS! You just have to be sure the direction your heading in is the direction God is leading you then be sure to step with Him in the moment. We can't move ahead (something we've all done) and we can't linger behind (something we've all done.) I think because we've heard about Abraham's faith journey so much we have become numb to the actual level of requirement God placed on Abraham and the level of difficulty and stretching it took from ...