Open my Ears to Hear the Call of the Season
The Lord highlighted Isaiah 55 to me this morning. As I went to look it up and begin reading it I quickly remembered it is a revelatory word directly from God that Isaiah spoke out. This morning I am going to pray it for myself and encourage you to do the same. As you pray truly believe in your heart that God desires to do more for you than you can wrap your mind around and then receive all He has in the waiting for you. I was reminded this morning of my granddaughter, her favorite word right now is "no." Even when she wants something, it's "no." She doesn't realize she's rejecting the very thing she wants. I will bring her into the pantry for a snack and every single thing I point out she says "no" even though she pointed to the pantry like "I'm hungry." BUT I KNOW BETTER. We do this sometimes with God, we desire something, we even ask in the direction of what it is we desire but then when God stands there ready to give us tha...